The first three months of your newborn will be the most exhausting months for you. You’ll find yourself awake in the middle of the night, trying to get your crying baby back to sleep. Sleep interruptions are common during the first months of your newborn. But there are some practices you can do so you and your little one can sleep longer with fewer disruptions.
It’s a common practice for parents to let their babies sleep in a separate crib. This is because it’s generally safer for your kids than sharing a bed with them. In addition, many parents believe co-sleeping is dangerous. However, medical experts have proven that co-sleeping with your kids has multiple benefits.
Let’s look at some of the benefits of co-sleeping, and see if this may be the key to a night of more restful sleep for you and your baby.
Different Co-Sleeping Arrangements
If you want to try co-sleeping with your child, there are several arrangements you can do. Pick which arrangement is most suitable and preferable for your sleep time.
- Shared room arrangement: Co-sleeping with your baby doesn’t necessarily mean they have to sleep by your side or in the same bed. You can bring your kid’s crib inside your room or have a small bed where your kids can sleep on their own without the risk of falling off.
- Family bed arrangement: A family bed arrangement is letting your kids sleep with both parents in a big bed. In common scenarios, the child sleeps between the parents. Family bed arrangements are best if you want to sleep in the same bed with your kids and still have a wide space for moving around. This arrangement reduces the risk of accidentally toppling over your kids and suffocation. Furthermore, this arrangement is convenient if you need to be at your baby’s side all the time when they are sick and not feeling well.
- Sidecar arrangement: This arrangement allows your kids to be as close to you as possible but still have their own space. This is essentially attaching your kid’s crib to one side of your bed and lowering one side of the rails so the crib looks like an extension of your bed. With this arrangement, you can sleep close to your kids and ensure they won’t risk falling off the edge.
You can also try a baby anti-roll infant pillow to position your kids correctly. This serves as a barrier and helps create safe and comfortable sleeping positions.
Should you co-sleep with your baby?
Co-sleeping is still up for debate to many parents. Some parents are strongly pro, and some don’t recommend co-sleeping until the kids reach at least 18 months old. But which practice is correct? Let’s debunk some of the myths to know more about co-sleeping.
Allows parents to take safety precautions.
Many factors cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and most parents notice them too late. However, doctors have proven that co-sleeping gives you more time to take safety precautions and jump into action when needed. It’s also convenient when your kids are still in the breastfeeding phase. With co-sleeping, you don’t have to get up in the middle of the night every time they are hungry.
Co-sleeping allows for better sleep.
Some infants sleep better when they feel the presence of their parents. Some even refuse to sleep when they are not carried and swayed to sleep. When your kids prefer and look for you during bedtime, co-sleeping is perfect for achieving that restful sleep. Co-sleeping also allows your kids to sleep longer and with minimal disturbance.
Furthermore, you can use baby anti-roll infant pillows as positioners to limit their movements. Since they cannot control or know their position during sleep, building boundaries made from baby-safe pillows is much safer.
Co-sleeping develops an emotional bond between parents and babies.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes the baby prefers the other parent over the other? It’s normal for your kids to be closer to the parent who is always in contact with them. Sleeping with your kids develops a stronger bond with parents. They will learn what you smell like and the feeling of your touch. They will get excited by the sound of your voice. Co-sleeping allows your kids to get used to your presence and makes them connect with you at an emotional level.
Precautions to take when practicing co-sleeping
There are still potential risks with sharing a sleeping space with your kids. As parents, you should be careful when trying this practice with them. Remember to get a baby anti-roll infant pillow for sleeping to prevent your babies from rolling over too close to you and vice versa. It’s also helpful for keeping them in the correct position, promoting healthy bone alignment.
Here are some of the precautions you should know before co-sleeping with your little one.
- When you want to co-sleep with your baby, make sure you are not under the influence of alcohol or any medication that promotes deep sleep. If you’re not attentive enough, you risk crushing your babies or won’t hear them when they are distressed.
- Put any adult things as far away as possible from your kids. Heavy blankets, adult pillows, comforters, or any object that may entangle your kids and cause suffocation. These potential obstructions are the main cause of sudden infant death syndrome. Make sure to clear your sleeping area from these things.
- Don’t sleep with your babies if you have sleeping disorders. For example, if you or your partner snore for the duration of the night. This will only prevent your babies from getting restful sleep. In addition, smoking in the same room where your baby will sleep posts negative effects on their growth and development. So avoid it when co-sleeping.
- You should have the correct mattress for co-sleeping. Your child’s bone structure is still fragile. A very soft mattress or water bed can affect the alignment of your baby’s spine and neck. Ensure that your mattress is firm and does not sag against your baby’s weight.
- Don’t let your infant sleep on adult size pillows. Ashtonbee offers you baby head pillows that cradle your child’s head and neck to the proper position so they can sleep through the night safely. Adult pillows are too high for your kids and may cause suffocation when they roll over them.
Final Thoughts
Understand that the first few months of your child are the hardest. But don’t get discouraged from trying new things to make them feel comfortable and well-rested. Co-sleeping is an uncommon practice, but this may be the key to a better night’s sleep. Don’t be afraid to try it to improve your baby’s sleeping routine.
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