There is some sort of joy that the heart never forgets when you experience the milestones your little one accomplishes. Despite these numerous moments during childhood, you’ll realize how big your heart is as it can take everything in—even the simplest moment of your child moving on from breastfeeding to a sippy cup! Parents never miss out.
Are you also in the stage of looking for the best sippy cup for your baby? Or are you looking for answers on when to start using a sippy cup for a breastfed baby? You are on the right article as we will talk about everything related to sippy cups! Are you ready?
Different Types of Baby Sippy Cups And The Advantages of Using Them
You are now searching for a sippy cup your child will love, but as you search for one, you’re overwhelmed by the amount of choices in the market! There may even be some cup designs you are bewildered about. Don’t worry, we’ve got you! These are the different types of sippy cups and the advantages of each.
Soft spout sippy cup
How it looks like:
The baby sippy cup with a soft spout is slightly wider than a regular bottle. Instead of having a rubber nipple, your baby gets a leveled up sippy cup lid that has a soft silicone spout. This spout is flatter and has more small holes for the liquid to pour through.
Advantages of using a soft spout sippy cup:
Babies are suckling champions because it is the first mechanism they learn when they come out of the womb; this suckling enables them to breastfeed or feed on a bottle. If you’re introducing your child to sippy cups, using a sippy cup with a soft spout would be a great transition cup.
Hard spout sippy cup
How it looks like:
From the silicone spout cup, we move to the spouts made of the same safe plastic materials as the cup itself. Remember that all materials used for babies should be free from BPA and other harmful chemicals, so make sure to check the label.
Advantages of using a hard spout sippy cup:
If your child is already in the stage when their teeth are growing, they cannot help but bite on the silicone spouts of the sippy cup they currently have as their gums are itchy. Skip changing spouts often with robust spouts that are still gentle to the baby’s gums.
Sippy cup with straw spout
How it looks like:
The sippy weighted straw cup has rubber straw for your child to suckle on instead of a nipple. While it lacks a detachable straw, this sippy cup has a built-in silicone straw that pops out when you open the lid and bends when closed to avoid spillage.
Advantages of using a sippy cup with a straw:
The time will come when your child needs to transition to a big kids’ cup, and using a sippy cup with a straw is best when your child can already handle drinking liquid in amounts greater than what the small holes of a nippled sippy cup can provide. With this type of cup, your toddler will not feel impatient while drinking.
Open-top sippy cup
How it looks like:
The open-top sippy cup looks like a normal cup at first glance. Only when you view it from above will you see that the top of the cup is covered. For your child to drink, they need to flip open the part of the sippy cup that covers a hole.
Advantages of using an open-top sippy cup:
Your child is almost ready for a regular cup! To get them fully prepared for this milestone, the use of an open-top sippy cup is effective. During this stage, your child’s hand reflexes are also much improved, and they will have no problems opening the small lid covering the sipping holes.
No spout sippy cup
How it looks like:
Using a no-spout sippy cup is the last stage before your child transitions to a regular cup. Despite having no spout, a no-spout sippy cup still has a cover to prevent spillage.
Advantages of using no spout sippy cup:
The primary advantage is that this sippy cup looks like a regular cup, so your child’s anxiety will be minimal when they finally move on to using a real cup. Despite the cup allowing the child to drink anywhere, it is still designed to be a spill-proof sippy cup.
Have A Smooth Transition To The Best Sippy Cup For A Breastfed Baby
Hooray! Now you know what to expect when it comes to sippy cup designs. The designs are meant to create cute cups to draw you (and your baby’s) attention, but they also fulfill functional roles. There are sippy cups best for teething babies, and there are designs intended for toddlers nearing the stage where they’ll need to use regular cups. Your choice depends on the capability of your child to use the sippy cup. If you have chosen the perfect one to buy, here are some ways to introduce the sippy cup to your baby smoothly.
Pick an attractive color or appealing design.
You will never go wrong with bright colors for getting the attention of your little ones, so try getting sippy cups in the colors of red, orange, green, yellow, or purple. You will notice that your child’s curiosity will automatically kick in because of the color. You may also try cartoon characters, especially for older kids.
Never use force, and make everything fun!
Aside from allowing your child to explore on their own, give them choices too. Get different types of sippy cups and see which among them your child will find comfort in using. Use the guide above, but leave the final decision to your child. They will naturally use what they are most comfortable with.
Offer tasty drinks to entice your little one to drink.
After your child has chosen from the selection of sippy cups, it is time to add in tasty drinks your child will love. For example, you can give them different fruit juices or milk. Don’t forget to give solid treats too! In doing so, your child will associate a tasty treat with the trainer cup, and get excited about using it.
Check Ashtonbee’s Sippy Cups!
You now know the different types of feeding cups for your baby, and the best ways you can encourage and make the transition of your little one from breast and baby bottle feeding to sippy cups a moment to remember.
Here at Ashtonbee, we have brightly colored sippy cup lids that are flexible enough to fit any training cup type. Unlike the usual products sold with both covers and cups, we offer attractive-looking lids that will get your child excited to use their sippy cup, at any stage of their journey. This sippy cup lid enables you to use an open cup or even a tumbler once your child is ready.
Order one today, and make this transition as easy (and as enjoyable) as it can be!