With the recent cold and flu season, many first-time parents wonder, Should I put socks on a baby with a fever? The answer is yes! There are two major reasons why it’s important for your baby to wear socks during illness: first is to keep them warm, and second is to help manage the risk of developing dangerous complications like blisters or mild frostbite. Moreover, this guide will give you some more insight into putting socks on your precious baby’s feet throughout the different stages of their growth.
Be sure that you have some non-slip shoes ready just in case your infant tries to walk around while sick.
Baby Care
Should my baby with fever wear socks at all if she’s prone to overheat? Even with increased temperatures, babies still tend to feel chills whenever they have a fever—it’s a common symptom even with adults. Of course, as a parent, this is sure to worry you. But to keep your worries in place, you can put on lightweight clothing that will also keep your little one warm. Additionally, wearing cotton socks will help ease the chills.
Many people swear by the wet sock treatment despite no scientific proof. However, anecdotal evidence shows that this method is effective in curing the common cold overnight. It involves putting on a pair of cold, wet socks on your baby before bed, increasing their blood circulation, and decreasing congestion. Additionally, babies with a high fever often experience having a cough and a cold. While there’s no concrete scientific explanation as to why socks help cure fevers, seeking all possible treatments is important.
Toddler Care
Should I put socks on my toddler with a fever? Socks are a great way to cool down a feverish toddler. The body temperature of a toddler will often temporarily go up, and the sock’s ability to conduct heat makes them a good tool for relieving the fever. In addition, they help combat the fear of being cold that most toddlers have.
Additional Tips to Prevent or Reduce Fevers in Babies
If you want to make sure your baby is cozy even with a fever, putting cute baby socks on your toddler will help them feel more comfortable while also helping them regain some control over the situation. That said, you should never try to force a sock on your kid; socks with cute colors and prints on them will pique the curiosity of your toddlers—they would definitely want to put these socks on.
The prevention of fever in toddlers is important for their health. It can also help prevent ear infections and other problems such as bronchitis. The best way to prevent or reduce a fever will come down to the opinion of your pediatrician or doctor, but here are some tips that may help in the meantime.
- Keep your toddler hydrated by making sure they have access to plenty of fluids, including water, juice, or popsicles.
- Avoid exposing them in warm places for too long. Try to keep them out in the air when possible, but limit time outside in warmer weather when it’s over 80 degrees Fahrenheit or when the humidity is high.
- Encourage your child to eat light foods that are easy to digest.
- Don’t give them a bath or shower when they have a fever because it can cause them to shiver and become even colder. If you want to, only use lukewarm water, so the temperature doesn’t drop too much.
- Dim the lights in your home during the evening and keep noise levels low to help create a soothing atmosphere.
As soon as your baby or toddler starts to manifest signs of a fever, it’s important that you monitor them closely and have them seen and given a proper diagnosis by your doctor. Using a fever-reducing medicine may help them feel better until you can determine what’s causing their discomfort or illness.
If there’s no need for medication, another way to soothe the baby is simply by putting some cute socks on. Fevers can be uncomfortable and painful for your little one, so always look for ways to ease their discomfort.
Wearing non-slip baby girl socks will keep your infant’s feet warm, which may even help draw the fever away from them, according to some anecdotal evidence. This means that your child won’t feel cold, especially during sleep time.

The Takeaway
Socks are not a one-size-fits-all approach to fever prevention. You know your baby best, and it is important that you make the decision based on their unique needs and, of course, professional medical advice. Whether or not they wear socks depends upon what feels most comfortable for them.
Then again, maybe there are other things that would be more helpful than either of these options—a trip to the doctor is always the right choice!