Getting your child to end the day can be a nightly battle. Kids not only resist going to bed but may struggle to stay asleep once they drift off. This uneasiness can manifest in various ways—from simple restlessness to full-blown night terrors.
Although it’s normal for toddlers to experience this during their bedtime, parents can ease their child’s fears in plenty of ways. Find out all the answers you need in this article.
5 Possible Reasons Toddlers Experience Bedtime Anxiety
It’s bedtime, and your toddler is having a meltdown. They’re screaming, they’re crying, and they’re refusing to go to sleep. Sounds familiar?
Chances are you’ve been through this scenario before. And you know that these aren’t simply child tantrums. Bedtime anxiety is a very real phenomenon for many toddlers. Even if you try everything from bribes to threats, your toddler will still likely find reasons to delay going to bed.
But why do some children find nighttime to be taxing? Here are five possible sources of their distress:
Reason #1: They’re Starving
Just when you think your baby is finally settling down, they’ll suddenly feel hungry and overly fussy. It can be frustrating, especially if you’re attempting to get some much-needed rest.
But here’s the thing—toddlers aren’t being manipulative when they act this way. Instead, their little stomachs are grumbling, and it’s genuinely making it hard for them to relax and fall asleep.
Reason #2: They’re Wet
Any parent who has dealt with a wet or soiled diaper knows it can be an unpleasant experience. In addition to being bulky and heavy, wet diapers can also chafe the child’s skin, leading to diaper rash. This problem can be a very uncomfortable experience for your toddler and one that they may associate with bedtime.
Before putting your child to bed, it’s a good idea to change their diaper. This way, they will have a clean diaper for the rest of the night and won’t have to deal with any wetness or messiness. You also risk waking them up in the middle of the night if you wait too long to change their diaper.
Reason #3: They’re Overstimulated
Kids are like little balls of energy. They experiment with new things and constantly delve into their surroundings. While this is all part of healthy growth and development, it can sometimes lead to bedtime anxiety.
An overstimulated child may have trouble winding down at night. This dilemma can be due to the noise, light, and strenuous activity they engage in during the day. As a result, they may feel agitated and struggle to sleep soundly.
Reason #4: They Experience Pain or Discomfort
Most parents of toddlers know that their little ones frequently suffer from pains and aches at night. One reason for this is the numerous changes their bodies undergo.
For instance, kids can be going through a toothache or growing pains. When kids are in pain, it can be challenging to fall asleep, and many of them wake up crying in the middle of the night.
Reason #5: They Feel Unsettled
Bedtime can be a tough transition for toddlers. They are creatures of habit and like to know what to expect. Being in a known setting makes them feel safe.
Therefore, it’s not surprising that the idea of being apart from their parents and the bedroom’s darkness can both be unsettling to them.
Create a Better Night’s Sleep with These 5 Useful Tips
All parents dream of the day when their little one will sleep through the night. But sometimes, that dream doesn’t become a reality as quickly as they would like. To help your child (and you) get a better night’s sleep, follow these five safe sleep tips:
Tip #1: Fix Their Sleeping Position
Some toddlers experience erratic sleep patterns as a result of stomach sleeping. When they are on their stomach, their head is twisted to the side, cutting off the air from reaching their lungs. Hence, it reduces their oxygen intake and makes breathing harder for them.
Suppose your child is a stomach sleeper. In that case, try placing a pillow under their knees to prevent them from lying flat on their stomach.
Tip #2: Use a Firm Mattress with a Tight-Fitting Sheet
A comfortable mattress and cozy sheets are the pillars of a long sleep. Your child’s bones and joints will benefit from a firm mattress, while a fitted sheet prevents them from tangling in their blankets.
But how can you determine whether the mattress is firm enough for your kid? Try pressing your palm on the mattress. It is firm enough if the mattress bounces back up when you take your hand off it. If it doesn’t, it may be time to invest in a new mattress.
Tip #3: Tell Them a Bedtime Story
A bedtime story is a tried-and-true approach to help your youngster settle in after a long day. Once you’ve brushed their teeth and put on their pajamas, it’s time to snuggle up with a book.
Choose a calm and quiet story that won’t overly thrill them before bed. Consider reading in a quiet, soothing voice for added impact. When the story comes to an end, give them a big hug and kiss goodnight. Then it’s off to dreamland!
Tip #4: Give Your Child a Bedtime Share
A king or queen sized bed isn’t just for couples anymore. If you have a young child having trouble sleeping through the night, you may consider letting them share your bed.
You probably don’t relish the idea of this arrangement, but it can help your kid to sleep better. According to a medical professional, shared beds with parents have been linked to easier sleep for kids. In fact, this helps kids become capable of long nights of sleep.
Tip #5: Add a Toddler Bed Rail Guard to Keep Them Safe
Toddlers are notoriously active sleepers. So once the bedtime anxiety hits, they may often roll around, thrash about, and climb out of bed during the night.
That’s why a bed rail guard is such an important sleeping essential for a toddler’s bedroom. Bed rails keep your child in their bed and prevent them from falling out or wandering the house at night.
How Can Toddler Bed Rails Reduce Bedtime Anxiety?
Bedtime can be an anxious time for toddlers. They might fear the dark, being alone, or the creatures under the bed. Naturally, a parent’s instinct is to reassure their child and make them feel protected, but this can often lead to a battle of wills that only worsens the situation.
Fortunately, an easy solution can lessen your child’s jitteriness and promote a good night’s sleep: a toddler rail for their bed! Here’s how it can solve your child’s persistent sleep problems.
1) Toddler Bed Rails Create a Visible Barrier
Bed rails help to create a physical barrier between your child and the floor, preventing falls and other accidents. Many baby bed rails are available, including those that fold down, slide under the mattress, and are permanently attached to the bed frame.
Whichever type you choose, it can ease your child’s fears about waking up in an unfamiliar place or being hurt at night.
2) Toddler Bed Rails Provide a Sense of Protection
Toddlers frequently roam around during the night, which is not unusual. As a parent, your responsibility is to keep children from suffering harm. That’s why having a toddler bed rail helps!
These baby rail guards protect your child by enclosing them in a cozy space. This baby item can be especially beneficial for children who are used to sleeping in a crib, as it can help them feel more protected and comfortable.
3) Toddler Bed Rails Stop Them from Rolling Out of Bed
Does your child tend to toss and turn at night whenever they feel distressed during bedtime? An adjustable bed rail guard can help to stop them from getting out of bed.
Nowadays, many rails are designed for specific bed types, such as bunk beds and trundle beds. They are also adjustable, so you can modify their height and width to suit your child’s needs. With these aspects, you can relax knowing that your kid is safely tucked in for the night.
4) Toddler Bed Rails Protect Kids From Nightmares
Even though nightmares are common in childhood, they can be especially terrifying for some kids. If your kid suffers from them, bed rails can provide an extra measure of protection against these bad dreams.
These support bars may not be a cure-all for bad dreams, but they can help reduce the frequency and intensity of the dreams. They can also contain the child within their own space without fear of being pulled into their night terrors.
Ashtonbee’s Portable Bed Rail for Toddlers: The Solution to Bedtime Woes
Bedtime is a never-ending task for parents, especially with active kids. But don’t fret; we’re here for you.
Introducing Ashtonbee’s Portable Bed Rail for Toddlers—the perfect solution to bedtime woes! This innovative foam bed bumper is made from high-density foam, making it soft and safe for little ones. You can place them under a fitted sheet on any type of bed (standard cribs, twin, full, queen, and king beds).
The bed rail is also lightweight and portable, making it easy to take with you whether you go off on a family vacation or your child wishes to stay at Grandma’s.
Want to make your child’s sleep routine a 100% hassle-free experience? Add Ashtonbee’s collection of baby essentials to your parenting wish list now!