Travelling with family is something your kids will cherish as they grow up. Whether it is a luxurious vacation, a long drive to the beach, or visiting grandma’s house, your kids will surely love it. However, travelling with your little ones requires extra work, care, and attention.
Keen preparations will ensure that your kids will have a comfortable trip. But worry not. We’ve got your back. Here are some of the best practices to help parents prepare a comfortable and enjoyable trip for their children.
Take Note of Medications and Necessary Documents
No matter how well you plan, there are still things that may happen unexpectedly. Try as you might, your kids may get sick during your trip. That’s why bringing their medications is a must. Moreover, if your kids have specific allergies, you should never forget their medicine.
Important documents are also a must-pack—for example, vaccination copies, medical records, and passports. Always err on the side of caution while taking a baby on a trip.
Plan Ahead
Parents get very excited about taking their kids to different places. But it is essential to do your research before packing your things. Relevant information, such as vaccine requirements and hotel accommodations, should be included in your research. Make sure that the overall environment is kid-friendly.
Other hotels don’t allow kids, so be considerate of that. It’s also good to find a place with a kids club or activity center where you can leave your kids for some time.
Secure Car Seats
When travelling with a baby on a long drive, a car seat is a must. Other forms of transportation may have designated seats for children, but if you use a car, don’t forget to have car seats for your kids. Car seats provide two things: comfort and safety.
You can’t expect to carry your kids throughout the trip, especially if you’re the only parent on board. Car seats can make them comfortable throughout the trip, and they can even sleep on them. Furthermore, with car seats, you can ensure that your kids are buckled up and safe.
One pro tip for parents is to always make sure that all parts of your kid’s car seat are intact. Manufacturers provide expiration dates for their products, so take note of that. Also, if one part of the seat is broken, it is best to replace the whole seat for safety.
Keeping Feeding and Sleeping Schedules Consistent
As an adult, breaking your routine and adapting to a new schedule may be easy. But for your baby, it is different. Little kids learn through routines, so you can’t just change what they are used to doing. When travelling, it is best to follow the same schedule for your kids, whether for sleeping or eating.
Even if you cross time zones, keep it consistent. If your trip is short, changing their schedule is unnecessary. However, if you’re going for a long trip and there’s no choice but to alter their routine, do it gradually. Don’t force your kids to follow what your body can do. If they are hungry, give them food. If they want to sleep—even in the middle of the day—let them.
Don’t Forget the Toys
Babies may sleep for the entire trip, but toddlers have so much energy that they’ll need to release. So keep them entertained. Your first line of defense is their toys. Pack a few of their favourite toys, so they are occupied during the journey.
If they get tired of the toys, try other forms of entertainment. Kids love music. You can do sing-alongs in the car to keep their energy up. Some parents prepare car games which are helpful when travelling with multiple kids.
Pack All the Essentials
You must first ensure that you have everything your children will require before you begin packing your belongings. It takes a lot of effort to pack their necessities. For one thing, kids need a lot of stuff. Packing light does not apply to them. The best practice is to bring all the things they could possibly need.
Here is a baby essentials checklist to help pack your kid’s travel bag.
- Diapers (always pack extra in case of emergencies)
- Diaper bags
- Baby wipes
- Portable changing pad
- Diaper cream
- Baby bibs
- Feeding bottles
- Baby clothes
- Resealable bags for dirty diapers
- Pacifiers
If your kids have specific needs, make sure to pack them too! Don’t assume you can purchase their essentials at your destination. It’s better to come prepared.
Take Preventive Measures
If your kids are perfectly fine before the trip, it is unlikely they will get sick, butsore throats, diarrhea, and other issues may arise. It’s always helpful to be prepared to overcome unforeseen circumstances.
Here are some precautions to help you anticipate things.
- Know the necessary vaccinations required for your destination and get them.
- Review if your hotel accommodations and mode of transportation follow the safety and sanitation guidelines required by the government.
- Bring your own food or make sure the food served is appropriately cooked for safe consumption.
- Consume light meals before the trip to prevent motion sickness.
- Pack water and keep your baby hydrated.
Make Age Appropriate Trips
It is understandable that parents are excited to bring their children on a trip. But the travel experience with a 2-year-old is very different from travelling with a 6-month-old. Choose a vacation that is suitable for your child’s age. For example, when they are less than a year old, visiting grandparents is a good enough experience outside the house to meet new people.
When your toddler’s curiosity is at its peak, you can start bringing them to interactive museums, aquariums, and theme parks. Keep in mind that the trip you have planned should also be something your kids can enjoy.
Allow Some Time for a Break
Whether travelling by air, land, or sea, remember that your kids need downtime. Your kids will grow bored in a small space. Allow time for them to breathe fresh air, do their business, and stretch their legs. Plan for pit stops if you’re travelling in your car and expecting a long drive.
If you’re on an airplane, you can walk along the aisle several times. Just ensure you won’t distract the people around you when doing certain activities.
Expect Big Reactions
If this is your kid’s first time travelling, surely they will have mixed feelings about the trip. They could be happy, nervous, and scared at the same time. Many little kids may find it uncomfortable to ride an airplane for the first time. Some may not be able to sleep immediately because they are not in their own beds. If you plan to travel internationally, the weather difference can be a huge change for children.
Expect big feelings from your kids. Always have a plan to calm them when they are feeling overwhelmed. Giving your kids a pep talk before the trip will help too. Supporting them when they feel uneasy in the middle of the journey will help them appreciate and enjoy the experience more.
Off You Go!
Are you feeling excited? Travelling with an infant can be challenging, but as long as you’re prepared for the journey, you and your kids will surely enjoy the experience. We hope these travelling tips help you with your next family vacation.
In addition, if you’re looking for baby gear, Ashtonbee has a wide collection of premium quality items—from feeding tools, pillows, high chairs, and baby toys, to safety accessories. Browse our collection and shop with us today!