Humans are some of the most social creatures on earth. As such, we need relationships with other humans or even other animals to survive. We learn this from the moment we are born. We form relationships with our mothers from the womb, and it is strengthened when we are born.
The first faces we see are our parents, and from there, we form a connection with them even without words. We recognize their voices and respond to them through actions like reaching out or making baby sounds. Needless to say, social relationships should be considered a basic human need.
As a new parent in these trying times, you might not be the only one suffering from limited contact with other people. Your precious baby can also be deprived of other people’s presences, especially since babies communicate and socialize nonverbally.
Being a mom in the midst of the pandemic is a feat great enough to recognize. Keeping your baby healthy and safe in today’s climate is an even bigger achievement. But babies need holistic care, which means interacting with other people aside from your immediate family.
Thankfully, our healthcare workers have worked tirelessly to develop vaccines to help end the COVID-19 pandemic. Slowly, the world is returning back to normal. It’s certainly a relief that we can do some of the things we were able to do freely almost two years ago.
You’re probably even thinking of slowly letting your baby see some relatives and going on a long-distance trip. As long as you’re traveling safely and the destination you’re going to is safe for your baby, there is no reason to delay. But when traveling with a baby, you’ll definitely need some supplies like a portable diaper changing pad for your precious one.
Baby Traveling Kit
There are many traveling kits advertised online and in physical stores for your baby. However, since no baby is exactly the same, you, as the parent, should be in charge of making your own travel kit. Besides, most of the supplies you’ll need for your baby are things you probably already have, so there’s no need to purchase extra items.
To help you out, here are some things that you should always have in your baby bag:
- Milk: Whether you breastfeed or use formula, your baby will get hungry while you’re out. Babies, as a rule, need proper nutrition on the dot, so make sure you are equipped with this essential. For breast milk, it’s best to have a separate pouch or maybe a compartment in your baby bag that keeps the temperature cold. You can also freeze your breast milk just so it doesn’t spoil while you’re out and about.
- Diapers and organic cotton wipes: Hygiene is very important for a baby. Diaper changes can happen anywhere. You need to make sure that your baby stays clean and fresh all the time. Babies are fragile and need your utmost attention. Make sure to pack a couple of diapers in your baby bag before walking out your door.
- Portable changing pad for diaper bags: Most people neglect the use of a diaper changing pad. However, it is a necessity for your baby. When you step out your door with your baby, you never know when you’re going to have to change their diaper. And even though you can change them in the bathroom’s changing table, you can’t risk putting them down without a clean and sanitized baby changing pad. So make sure to have the best portable changing pad for diaper bags in your possession.
Because the first two mentioned on this list are pretty self-explanatory and are things you are most likely already using for your baby, we’re going to talk more about the changing mat that you should own.
The Best Diaper Changing Pad/Portable Bag from Ashtonbee
When it comes to your baby’s needs, Ashtonbee doesn’t take any chances. We have a team of experts collaborating with real moms to give you the best products at affordable prices. Our portable changing pad is no exception.
We are redefining the word “portable” with this product. We understand how hard it is to carry different bags for your baby, and we know that baby supplies are not the lightest to carry. So to ease the burden of carrying a different diaper bag and milk bag, we are giving you a portable changing pad/travel bag in one.
Waterproof Material
Babies make a lot of messes. New mommies and daddies make them occasionally too. Whether you’re dealing with a milk spill or changing diapers, parenthood takes a lot of practice. That’s why we’re giving you a waterproof baby bag/changing pad to help you clean up in one swipe.
We know how hard it is to clean up, especially when you’re in a moving vehicle. Or when the surface you laid the changing pad on is uneven. It makes the baby uncomfortable and might even rile you up too. So as much as possible, we want you to have a product that you can use, swipe with antibacterial wipes, and pack up when you’re out of the house.
Multiple Compartments
Babies have many needs. That’s why pockets come in handy. But lugging around a huge baby bag while carrying your baby can be too much for your back. We don’t want that for you.
The compact design of Ashtonbee’s portable changing pad is very much like an old-fashioned baby bag but smaller. It has many compartments like mesh pockets and zippered pockets where you can store your baby’s things safely for later use.
One of mankind’s greatest inventions for new parents is velcro. When you’re handling a baby and are about to change them, you only have one hand to spare to grab the baby essentials you need. We hear you. That’s why we separate the different compartments of this travel bag by velcro for an easy grab and go.
You can put everything from a pacifier, cloth diapers, disposable diapers, diaper cream, organic cotton wipes, and anything else for diaper duty.
Additionally, the baby change pad cover is secured with a plastic clasp on the outside to keep everything in.
Large Changing Pad
When it comes to the changing pad itself, you don’t have to worry about whether it can fit your baby while lying down. It has a large enough space to ensure your baby’s whole torso fits comfortably.
Suppose you’re not satisfied with just cleaning the changing pad with baby wipes. You can detach it from the travel bag and run it under the sink with some mild soap. The waterproof pad liners keep the pad easy to wipe. Then, you just wipe it down with clean paper towels and reattach it to the bag again. Talk about convenience at its finest!
This travel changing pad is also stroller friendly with a strap that you can easily attach to the stroller.
The Verdict is In
With Ashtonbee’s travel changing pad, there’s no reason to delay that trip to grandma’s anymore. You can let your baby bond with their grandparents for as long as they like, provided that they take proper precautions, of course.
You can even attend COVID-19-friendly extended family gatherings and show off your little one to relatives you haven’t seen in a while. They’ll be as thrilled as you are when they see your baby. Even a walk in the park or a quick run to the store becomes easy when you’ve got all your baby’s needs in one cute, compact bag. And you certainly don’t need to worry about baby accidents while outside!
So what are you waiting for? Check us out here at Ashtonbee to make your parenthood easier with our baby diaper changing pad and travel bag. It can be yours for less than $15.